Trees No More

A website redesign generated 166 leads within 3 months for a tree removal service.

The Client: A Tree Removal Service in South Milwaukee

The Ask

A locally-owned business, Trees No More only wanted a website redesign to boost their local sales and lead generation.

Their website needed a simple, modern makeover to convert ideal customers. The client also had specific requests: a Google review button on the homepage and a new logo.

What We Did

Website Analysis

We analyzed the website and quickly identified the biggest problems:

  • Sparse content throughout the website.
  • Thin content on key pages.
  • Clunky UI.
  • A relatively large video on the homepage that severely slowed site speed.
  • The site didn’t have nearly enough pages, including service pages, which was essential for its niche.
  • Content wasn’t targeting the right keywords.
  • The site was built on Shopify, which was costly, complicated, and offered limited customization.

Competitor Analysis

The client had competitors ranking in their desired service cities, especially Franklin, so we ran a competitive analysis encompassing their website design and keyword strategy.

This gave us a better understanding of how websites in the tree service niche operated, which shaped our approach.

Website Design

To kick off, we migrated the site from Shopify to WordPress, which provided full flexibility and limited the use of integrations. Overall, this was a faster and more cost-effective solution.

We redesigned the website’s interface, making the quote form and CTA immediately accessible.

The heavy video was replaced with an optimized image to improve site speed. The new UI was more intuitive, smoother, and responsive to interaction.

We built out service pages for each of the client’s specializations, making these a key fixture on the homepage.

We also optimized the FAQ page, where we reduced visual stress with dropdowns.

Keyword Research

Every piece of content was built on keyword research. We targeted high-intent keywords—search queries that were in immediate need of a tree professional or one of the client’s services.

The keywords were location-modified for Trees No More’s target cities within South Milwaukee.

The Results

The outcome was a drastic increase in lead generation. Trees No More received at least 166 inquiries within 3 months. Of these, 128 were unique, first-time leads.

Trees No More case study proof

When we followed up with the clients 3 months after execution, they were booked solid with leads and almost couldn’t keep up with the incoming requests.

Our digital marketing expertise and consumer-led approach can help you land more of your dream customers